In the HPL main window, select the project that contains
your load job.
Choose Browsers > Record.
The Record
Browser window appears, as the following figure shows.
Figure 1. The Record Browser
Type the name of the format to be applied to the source
data file or click the format name in the list box.
In the Data File text box, type
the name of the data file that you plan to load, or click the down
arrow and select a file from the selection list.
Click OK.
The second Record
Browser window appears, as the following figure shows.
This Record Browser window displays each of the
fields in the format, followed by the value of the field for the given
Record Number.
Figure 2. The Record Browser
You can take the following actions:
Type the record number that you want to view. Click Select.
Click Next to display the next record.
Click Previous to display the previous
When you finish browsing, click Cancel to
return to the HPL main window.