The onpladm utility
This section describes how to use the onpladm utility.
- Overview of the onpladm utility
The onpladm command-line interface is equivalent to the ipload utility. You can use the onpladm utility from the command line to create, modify, and delete High-Performance Loader (HPL) objects. The HPL objects include projects, jobs, maps, formats, queries, filters, device arrays, and machines. - Define onpladm utility jobs
You can create, modify, describe, list, run, and delete jobs with the onpladm utility. - Define device arrays
You can create, modify, describe, list, and delete device arrays with the onpladm utility. - Define maps
You can create, modify, describe, list, and delete maps with the onpladm utility. - Define formats
You can create, modify, describe, list, and delete formats with the onpladm utility. - Define queries
You can create, modify, describe, list, and delete queries with the onpladm utility. - Define filters
You can create, modify, describe, list, and delete filters with the onpladm utility. - Define projects
You can create a project, run all jobs in a project, list all projects, and delete a project with the onpladm utility. - Define machine types
You can create, modify, describe, list, and delete machine types with the onpladm utility. - Define database operations
Parent topic: High-Performance Loader User's Guide