Exploring Groups

On a group dashboard, you will see all of the servers and sub-groups that belong to the group. For each sub-group, the UI will show a card indicating the number of servers in the group (the first number is the number of servers directly in the group; the number in parenthesis is the total number of servers under it in the hierarchy). It will also show if and how many unread incidents exist for servers within the group.

There will also be a card for each server in the current group indicating the server and agent status. Since the agent monitors server status information, the server status will be unknown if the agent is offline.

From the group dashboard, you can use the Add Server and Add Group buttons to add servers or groups to the hierarchy. Each server or group also has additional actions to rename, edit connection information (for servers only), move, or delete that object. To drill down on any server or group, click on the server or group card.

From the group dashboard, you can also access the monitoring and alerting profiles for the group by selecting those menu items from the left-hand sidebar. If you are a System Administrator, you will also see a link for granting/revoking permissions on the group.

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