Using the driver in an application

To use HCL Informix® JDBC Driver in an application, you must set your CLASSPATH environment variable to point to the driver files. The CLASSPATH environment variable tells the Java™ virtual machine (JVM) and other applications where to find the Java class libraries used in a Java program.


There are two ways to set your CLASSPATH environment variable:
  • Add the full path name of ifxjdbc.jar to CLASSPATH:
    setenv CLASSPATH /jdbcdriv/lib/ifxjdbc.jar:$CLASSPATH
    To add localized message support, specify ifxlang.jar:
    setenv CLASSPATH 
  • Unpack ifxjdbc.jar and add its directory to CLASSPATH:
    cd /jdbcdriv/lib
    jar xvf ifxjdbc.jar
    setenv CLASSPATH /jdbcdriv/lib:$CLASSPATH
    To add localized message support, specify ifxlang.jar:
    cd /jdbcdriv/lib
    jar xvf ifxjdbc.jar
    jar xvf ifxlang.jar
    setenv CLASSPATH /jdbcdriv/lib:$CLASSPATH 


There are two ways to set your CLASSPATH environment variable:
  • Add the full path name of ifxjdbc.jar to CLASSPATH:
    set CLASSPATH=c:\jdbcdriv\lib\ifxjdbc.jar;%CLASSPATH%
    To add localized message support, specify ifxlang.jar:
    set CLASSPATH=c:\jdbcdriv\lib\ifxjdbc.jar;c:\
  • Unpack ifxjdbc.jar and add its directory to CLASSPATH:
    cd c:\jdbcdriv\lib
    jar xvf ifxjdbc.jar
    set CLASSPATH=c:\jdbcdriv\lib;%CLASSPATH%
    To add localized message support, specify ifxlang.jar:
    cd c:\jdbcdriv\lib
    jar xvf ifxjdbc.jar
    jar xvf ifxlang.jar
    set CLASSPATH=c:\jdbcdriv\lib;%CLASSPATH% 

If you are using javax.sql classes (for example, Datasource), specify ifxjdbcx.jar in addition to ifxjdbc.jar.

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