Using single sign-on access control with the Informix® JDBC Driver

Ensure that the database server is set up for SSO authentication. For information, see the “Single Sign-on Access Control” section in the IBM® Informix Security Guide.

You can use single sign-on (SSO) access control with JDBC by using the DriverManager.getConnection() method and setting the Communication Support Module (CSM) in the connection URL to the service principal. Using SSO access control replaces the user ID and password option.

  1. Modify the connection URL so that it includes the service principal. The service principal consists of the database server name and the SSO realm.

    The ENC=true setting means that Generic Security Services (GSS) encryption is enabled. The ENC=true setting is optional because by default, its value is true. If you do not want to enable GSS encryption, set the value to false: ENC= false.

    For complete syntax of the connection URL, see Format of database URLs.

  2. Create a login configuration file with the following code: {
  3. Run the application with the property set to the login configuration files full path name, followed by the TestSso class. The following is an example where IfmxLog.conf is the login configuration file:
    java TestSso

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