Driver restrictions and limitations

HCL Informix® JDBC Driver has the following requirements and limitations concerning OUT parameters:
  • With HCL Informix, Version 9.2, the driver always returns a -9752 error if a function contains an OUT parameter. The driver creates an SQLWarning object and chains this to the CallableStatement object.

    You can determine if a function contains an OUT parameter by calling the CallableStatement.getWarnings() method or by calling the IfmxCallableStatement.hasOutParameter() method, which return TRUE if the function has an OUT parameter.

    If a function contains an OUT parameter, you must use the CallableStatement.registerOutParameter() method to register the OUT parameter, the setXXX() methods to register the IN and OUT parameter values, and the getXXX() method to retrieve the OUT parameter value.

  • The CallableStatement.getMetaData() method returns NULL until the executeQuery() method has been executed. After executeQuery() has been called, the ResultSetMetaData object contains information only for the return value, not the OUT parameter.
  • You must specify all IN parameters by using setXXX() methods. You cannot use literals in the SQL statement. For example, the following statement produces unreliable results:
    CallableStatement cstmt = myConn.prepareCall("{call
       myFunction(25, ?)}");
    Instead, use a statement that does not specify literal parameters:
    CallableStatement cstmt = myConn.prepareCall("{call
       myFunction(?, ?)}");

    Call the setXXX() methods for both parameters.

  • Do not close the ResultSet returned by the CallableStatement.executeQuery() method until you have retrieved the OUT parameter value by using a getXXX() method.
  • You cannot cast the OUT parameter to a different type in the SQL statement. For example, the following cast is ignored:
    CallableStatement cstmt = myConn.prepareCall("{call
       foo(?::lvarchar, ?)}";
  • The setMaxRows() and registerOutParameter() methods both take java.sql.Types values as parameters. There are some one-to-many mappings from java.sql.Types values to Informix types.

    In addition, some Informix types do not map to java.sql.Types values. Extensions for setMaxRows() and registerOutParameter() fix these problems. See IN and OUT parameter type mapping.

These restrictions apply to a JDBC application that handles C, SPL, or Java™ UDRs.

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