BIGINT and BIGSERIAL data types
The BIGINT and BIGSERIAL data types have the same range of values as INT8 and SERIAL8 data types. However, BIGINT and BIGSERIAL have advantages for storage and computation over INT8 and SERIAL8.
Both the BIGINT and BIGSERIAL data types map to the to BIGINT Java™ type in the class java.sql.Types. When data is retrieved from the database, the BIGINT and BIGSERIAL data types map to long Java Type.
The Informix® JDBC Driver provides support for the Informix BIGSERIAL and BIGINT data types through the getBigSerial() method, which is a part of the java.sql.Statement interface
import com.informix.jdbc.*;
Use the getBigSerial() method after an INSERT statement to return the value that was inserted into the BIGSERIAL or BIGINT column of a table.
cmd = "insert into bigserialTable(i) values (100)";
long serialValue = ((IfmxStatement)stmt).getBigSerial();
System.out.println("serial value: " + serialValue);
These types are part of the com.informix.lang.IfxTypes class. See the The IfxTypes class table for the IfxTypes constants and the corresponding Informix data types.