Smart large objects in a client application

On the client, your JDBC application can use ResultSet methods to access smart-large-object data, such as:
  • getClob() and getAsciiStream() for CLOB data
  • getBlob() and getBinaryStream() for BLOB data
  • getString() for both CLOB and BLOB data
On the client side, the JDBC driver references the LO handle through an IfxLocator object. Your JDBC application obtains an instance of the IfxLocator class to contain the smart-large-object locator handle, as shown in the following figure. Your application creates a smart large object independently and then inserts the smart large object into different columns, even in multiple tables. Using multiple threads, an application can write or read data from various portions of the smart large object in parallel, which is very efficient.
Figure 1. Locating a smart large object In a client application
begin figure description - This figure is described in the surrounding text. - end figure description

In HCL Informix®, support for Informix smart large object data types is available only with 9.x and later versions of the database server.

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