Obtain information about storage characteristics

To obtain the column-level storage characteristics of a smart large object, your application can call the following method in the IfxSmartBlob class, passing the name of the column for the colname parameter:
IfxLobDescriptor IfxLoColInfo(java.lang.String colname) throws 
Most applications only need to ensure correct storage characteristics for an sbspace name (the location of the smart large object). You can get information for this and other storage characteristics by calling the various getXXX() methods in the ifxLobDescriptor class before creating the IfxSmartBlob object. The following table summarizes the getXXX() methods.
Method signature in ifxLobDescriptor Purpose
int getCreateFlags() Obtains the create flags for the object
long getEstSize() Obtains the estimated size, in bytes, of the object
int getExtSize() Obtains the extent size of the object
long getMaxBytes() Obtains the maximum size, in bytes, of the object
java.lang.String getSbspace() Obtains the name of the sbspace in the database server in which the object is stored

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