Set create flags
- Logging characteristics
You can specify the LO_LOG or LO_ NOLOG constant.
LO_LOG causes the server to follow the logging procedure used with the current database log for the corresponding smart large object. This option can generate large amounts of log traffic and increase the risk that the logical log fills up.
Instead of full logging, you might turn off logging when you load the smart large object initially and then turn logging back on once the smart large object is loaded. If you use NO LOG, you can restore the smart-large-object metadata later to a state in which no structural inconsistencies exist. In most cases, no transaction inconsistencies will exist either, but that result is not guaranteed.
For more usage details on logging, see Logging.
- Last-access time characteristics
You can specify the LO_ KEEP_LASTACCESS_TIME or LO NOKEEP_LASTACCESS_TIME constant. LO_ KEEP_LASTACCESS_TIME records, in the smart-large-object metadata, the system time at which the corresponding smart large object was last read or written.
For more usage details on last-access time, see Last-access time.
- Whether to detect incomplete writes and data corruption by producing
user-data pages with a page header and page trailer
You can specify the LO_ HIGH_INTEG or LO_moderate_integ constant. LO_ HIGH_INTEG is the default data-integrity behavior.
For more usage details on data integrity, see Data integrity.
public int getCreateFlags()
For more detailed information about all of the characteristics, see the section describing the PUT clause for the CREATE TABLE statement, in the IBM® Informix® Guide to SQL: Syntax.