Create the .class and .java files

The createUDTClass() method has the following signature:
public String createUDTClass(UDTMetaData mdata) throws SQLException
The createUDTClass() method causes the driver to perform all of the following actions for your application:
  1. Creates a Java™ class with the name you specified in the UDTMetaData.setClassName() method

    If no class name was specified, the driver uses the name specified in the UDTMetaData.setSQLName() method.

  2. Puts the Java class code into a .java file and then compile the file to a .class file
  3. Returns the name of the newly created class to your application

If you specified TRUE by calling the UDTMetaData.keepJavaFile() method, the driver retains the generated .java file. The default is to delete the .java file.

Your application should call the createUDTClass() method only to create new .class and .java files to define an opaque type, not to generate an opaque type from existing files.

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