Remove opaque types and JAR files

You can remove opaque types and their JAR files using the following methods:
public static void removeUDT(String sqlname) throws SQLException
public static void removeJar(String jarfilesqlname, int undeploy) 
   throws SQLException
The removeUDT() method removes the opaque type, with all its casts and UDRs, from the database server. It does not remove the JAR file itself because other opaque types or UDRs could be using the same JAR file.
Important: If your application calls removeUDT() within a transaction or if your database is ANSI or enables logging, some extra guidelines apply. For more information, see Execute in a transaction.

The removeJar() method removes the JAR file from the system catalog. The jarfilesqlname parameter is the name you specified with the setJarFileSQLName() method.

For the undeploy parameter, see Specify deployment descriptor actions.
Important: Before calling removeJar(), you must first remove all functions and procedures that depend on the JAR file. Otherwise, the database server fails to remove the file.

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