Class definition

The class for the C opaque type, charattrUDT in the following example, must implement the SQLData interface:
import java.sql.*;
import com.informix.jdbc.*;
 * C struct of charattr_udt:
 * typedef struct charattr_type
 * {
 *     char          chr1[4+1];
 *     mi_boolean    bold;       // mi_boolean (1 byte)
 *     mi_smallint   fontsize;   // mi_smallint (2 bytes)
 * }
 * charattr;
 * typedef charattr charattr_udt;
public class charattrUDT implements SQLData
        private String sql_type = "charattr_udt";
        // an ASCII character/a multibyte character, and is null-terminated.
        public String chr1;
        // Is the character in boldface?
        public boolean bold;
        // font size of the character
        public short fontsize;

   public charattrUDT() { }

   public charattrUDT(String chr1, boolean bold, short fontsize)
        this.chr1 = chr1;
        this.bold = bold;
        this.fontsize = fontsize;

    public String getSQLTypeName()
                return sql_type;
   // reads a stream of data values and builds a Java object
   public void readSQL(SQLInput stream, String type) throws SQLException
        sql_type = type;
        chr1 = ((IfmxUDTSQLInput)stream).readString(5);
        bold = stream.readBoolean();
        fontsize = stream.readShort();
   // writes a sequence of values from a Java object to a stream
   public void writeSQL(SQLOutput stream) throws SQLException
                ((IfmxUDTSQLOutput)stream).writeString(chr1, 5);
   // overides Object.equals()
   public boolean equals(Object b)
                return (chr1.equals(((charattrUDT)b).chr1) &&
                bold == ((charattrUDT)b).bold &&
                fontsize == ((charattrUDT)b).fontsize);

   public String toString()
                return "chr1=" + chr1 + " bold=" + bold + " fontsize=" + fontsize;
In your JDBC application, a custom type map must map the SQL-type name charattr_udt to the charattrUDT class:
java.util.Map customtypemap = conn.getTypeMap();
if (customtypemap == null)
        System.out.println("\n***ERROR: typemap is null!");
customtypemap.put("charattr_udt", Class.forName("charattrUDT"));

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