Debug your JDBC API program
You can set the SQLIDEBUG connection property to generate
binary protocol trace. You set the connection property SQLIDEBUG to
specify a file. For example:
A new trace file is generated for every connection and is suffixed with a timestamp. If you are using the IfxDataSource interface, you can use the IfxDataSource.setIfxSQLIDEBUG (String fname) method. Debug versions of the JDBC jar files are not included in HCL Informix® JDBC Driver, Version 3.00.JC1 and later.
Important: The binary SQLI protocol trace feature (SQLIDEBUG) should only be used when
directed by the IBM® technical support
Java Logging
You can enable tracing of the Informix JDBC driver using Java’s built in logging
Note: Enabling tracing can have a noticeable impact on driver performance. Enable only
logging to assist in diagnosing a problem with the driver.
Following example shows logging properties you can
Set the default logging level for Informix JDBC
#Set the logging level for the console output
#Set the properties for a file based logger
java.util.logging.FileHandler.level = FINEST
java.util.logging.FileHandler.formatter = com.informix.util.JdbcLegacyLogFormatter
java.util.logging.FileHandler.append = false
java.util.logging.FileHandler.pattern = /tmp/jdbc/jdbc.log
When choosing the formatter for the log output you can pick between
com.informix.util.JdbcLogFormatter and com.informix.util.JdbcLegacyLogFormatter. The
legacy formatter matches the historical format the JDBC driver outputted messages in. The
JdbcLogFormatter is a more modern format, which includes machine readable timestamps, so the logs
can be read in by logging systems. If you need to manually add the properties, you can use a call
as shown below in Java to load the properties for the Java Logging.
LogManager.getLogManager().readConfiguration(new FileInputStream(“"));