Examples in the basic directory

The following table lists the files in the basic directory.

Demo program name Description
autofree.java Shows how to use the IFX_AUTOFREE environment variable
BatchUpdate.java Shows how to send batch updates to the server
ByteType.java Shows how to insert into and select from a table that contains a column of data type BYTE
CallOut1.java Executes a C function that has an OUT parameter using CallableStatement methods
CallOut2.java Executes an SPL function that has an OUT parameter using CallableStatement methods
CallOut3.java Executes a C function that has a Boolean OUT parameter using the IfmxCallableStatement.IfxRegisterOut Parameter() method
CallOut4.java Executes a C function that has a CLOB type OUT parameter and uses the IfmxCallableStatement.hasOutParameter() method
CreateDB.java Creates a database called testDB
DBCENTURYSelect.java Uses the getString() method to retrieve a date string representation in which the four-digit year expansion is based on the DBCENTURY property value
DBCENTURYSelect2.java Retrieves a date string representation in which the four-digit year expansion is based on the DBCENTURY property value using string-to-binary conversion

Uses the getDate() method to build a java.sql.Date object upon which the date string representation is based

DBCENTURYSelect3.java Retrieves a date string representation in which the four-digit year expansion is based on the DBCENTURY property value using string-to-binary conversion

Uses the getTimestamp() method to build a java.sql.Timestamp object upon which the date string representation is based

DBCENTURYSelect4.java Retrieves a date string representation in which the four-digit year expansion is based on the DBCENTURY property value using binary-to-string conversion

Uses the getDate() method to build a java.sql.Date object upon which the date string representation is based

DBCENTURYSelect5.java Retrieves a date string representation in which the four-digit year expansion is based on the DBCENTURY property value using binary-to-string conversion

Uses the getTimestamp() method to build a java.sql.Timestamp object upon which the date string representation is based

DBConnection.java Creates connections to both a database and a database server
DBDATESelect.java Shows how to retrieve a date object and a date string representation from the database based on the DBDATE property value from the URL string
DBMetaData.java Shows how to retrieve information about a database with the DatabaseMetaData interface
DropDB.java Drops a database called testDB
ErrorHandling.java Shows how to retrieve RSAM error messages
GLDATESelect.java Shows how to retrieve a date object and a date string representation from the database based on the GL_DATE property value from the URL string
Intervaldemo.java Shows how to insert and select HCL Informix® interval data
LOCALESelect.java Shows how to retrieve a date object and a date string representation from the database based on the CLIENT_LOCALE property value from the URL string
locmsg.java Shows how to use Informix extension methods that support localized error messages
MultiRowCall.java Shows how to return multiple rows in a stored procedure call
OptimizedSelect.java Shows how to use the FET_BUF_SIZE environment variable to adjust the HCL Informix JDBC Driver tuple buffer size
optofc.java Shows how to use the OPTOFC environment variable
PropertyConnection.java Shows how to specify connection environment variables via a property list
RSMetaData.java Shows how to retrieve information about a result set with the ResultSetMetaData interface
ScrollCursor.java Shows how to retrieve a result set with a scroll cursor
Serial.java Shows how to insert and select Informix SERIal and SERIal8 data
SimpleCall.java Shows how to call a stored procedure
SimpleConnection.java Shows how to connect to a database or database server
SimpleSelect.java Shows how to send a simple SELECT query to the database server
TextConv.java Shows how to convert a file from the client code set to Unicode and then from Unicode to the database code set
TextType.java Shows how to insert into and select from a table that contains a column of data type TEXT
UpdateCursor1.java Shows how to create an updatable scroll cursor using a ROWID column in the query
UpdateCursor2.java Shows how to create an updatable scroll cursor using a SERIAL column in the query
UpdateCursor3.java Shows how to create an updatable scroll cursor using a primary key column in the query

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