Examples in the udtudrmgr directory

The following table lists the files in the udtudrmgr directory. A README file in the directory contains setup information.

Demo program name Description
createDB.java Creates a sample database
dropDB.java Drops the sample database
Circle.java (Demo application 1) Implements a Java™ class, using the default Input and Output functions, to be converted to a Java opaque type
PlayWithCircle.java (Demo application 1) Uses the Circle opaque type in a client application
Circle2.java (Demo application 2) Implements a Java class, with user-supplied Input and Output functions, to be converted to a Java opaque type
PlayWithCircle2.java (Demo application 2) Uses the Circle2 opaque type in a client application
MyCircle.java (Demo application 3) Creates a fixed-length opaque type without a preexisting Java class
Group1.java (Demo application 4) Maps methods in an existing Java class to Java UDRs
PlayWithGroup1.java (Demo application 4) Uses the UDRs from Group1.java in a client application

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