The setBindColIfxType() methods

The methods are as follows:
public void setBindColIfxType(int colIndex, int ifxtype) throws SQLException;
public void setBindColIfxType(int colIndex, int ifxtype, int scale) 
   throws SQLException;
public void setBindColIfxType(int colIndex, int ifxtype, String name)
   throws SQLException;

The first overloaded method allows applications to specify the output type to be IFX_TYPE_DECIMAL or IFX_TYPE_NUMERIC; the scale parameter specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point. The second overloaded method allows applications to specify the output type to be IFX_TYPE_LIST, IFX_TYPE_ROW, IFX_TYPE_MULTISET, IFX_TYPE_SET, IFX_TYPE_UDTVAR, or IFX_TYPE_UDTFIXED by assigning one of these values to the name parameter.

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