Query and projection operators
Informix® supports a subset of the MongoDB query and projection operators.
You can refine your queries with the MongoDB query and projection operators. For example, in the mongo shell, to find members of the cartype collection with an age greater than 10, you can use the $gt operator: db.cartype.find({"age":{"$gt":10.0}}).
The JSON wire listener supports the skip, limit, and sort query options. You can set these options by using the mongo shell or MongoDB drivers.
Query selectors
Use query selectors to select specific data from queries.- Array query operators
Table 1. Array query operators MongoDB command JSON collections Relational tables Details $elemMatch Yes No $size Yes No - Comparison query operators
Table 2. Comparison query operators MongoDB command JSON collections Relational tables Details $all Yes Yes Supported for primitive values and simple queries only. The operator is only supported when it is the only condition in the query document. $eq Yes Yes $gt Yes Yes $gte Yes Yes $in Yes Yes $lt Yes Yes $lte Yes Yes $ne Yes Yes $nin Yes Yes $query Yes Yes - Element query operators
Table 3. Element query operators MongoDB command JSON collections Relational tables Details $exists Yes No $type Yes No - Evaluation
Table 4. Evaluation query operators MongoDB command JSON collections Relational tables Details $mod Yes Yes $regex Yes Yes The only supported value for the $options flag is i, which specifies a case-insensitive search. $text Yes Yes The $text query operator support is based on MongoDB version 2.6.
You can customize your text index and take advantage of additional text query options by creating a basic text search index with the createTextIndex command. For more information, see Informix JSON commands.
$where No No - Geospatial query operators
- Geospatial queries are supported by using the GeoJSON format. The legacy coordinate pairs are not supported.
Table 5. Geospatial query operators MongoDB command JSON collections Relational tables Details $geoWithin Yes No $geoIntersects Yes No $near Yes No $nearSphere Yes No - JavaScript query operators
- The JavaScript query operators are not supported.
- Logical query operators
Table 6. Logical query operators MongoDB command JSON collections Relational tables Details $and Yes Yes $or Yes Yes $not Yes Yes $nor Yes Yes
Projection operators
Use projection operators to select specific data from a document.- Projection operators
Table 7. Projection operators MongoDB command JSON collections Relational tables Details $ No No $elemMatch Yes No $meta Yes Yes $slice No No - Query modifiers
Table 8. Query modifiers MongoDB command JSON collections Relational tables Details $comment No No $explain Yes Yes $hint Yes No $orderby Yes Yes
For more information about the MongoDB features, see http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/.