Configuring SSL connections between the wire listener and client applications

You can encrypt the connections between the wire listener and the client applications with the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol.

About this task

All client applications must use the same public key certificate file as the wire listener.


To configure SSL connections between the wire listener and client applications:

  1. Create a keystore and certificate for the wire listener. Use the method that best fits your type of client application and programming language. For example, you can use IBM® Global Security Kit (GSKit), OpenSSL, or the Java keytool tool.
  2. Edit the wire listener properties file to configure the wire listener SSL properties and restart the listener. Set the following SSL properties:
    • Set the listener.ssl.enable parameter to true to enable SSL.
    • Set the listener.ssl.keyStore.file parameter to the path of the keystore file.
    • Set the listener.ssl.keyStore.password parameter to the password to unlock the keystore file.
    • Set the listener.ssl.key.alias parameter to the alias or identifier of the keystore entry. If the keystore contains only one entry, this parameter does not need to be set.
    • Set the listener.ssl.key.password parameter to the password to unlock the entry from the keystore. If this parameter is not set, the listener uses the listener.ssl.keyStore.password parameter.
    • Set listener.ssl.keyStore.type parameter if the keystore is not of type JKS (Java keystore).
  3. For REST listeners (listener.type=rest), if you are using Java 8, you will need to include the Jetty ALPN boot jar file in the -Xbootclasspath JVM argument when starting the listener. See for more information.
    Note: If you are running the REST listener with Java 9 or higher, ALPN is built into the JRE, so this step is not required.
  4. Configure client applications to connect to the listener over SSL.

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