You can load JSON documents into time series through the MQTT wire listener. The MQTT
wire listener publishes data directly to the time series base table by internally running time
series loader routines.
To load JSON data through the MQTT wire listener:
- Set the following parameters in the wire listener configuration file:
- Set the wire listener type to MQTT: listener.type=mqtt
- Optional. Set the number of connections between the wire listener and each time series table:
Set timeseries.loader.connections to the number of connections that you
- Restart the wire listener.
- From the MQTT clients, load the data into the time series table by publishing data as JSON
- For BSON timeseries tables, i.e. tables where the timeseries row type contains only a timestamp
plus one BSON column, the message argument of the PUBLISH packet must contain the following
fields within the JSON documents:
- One or more fields that identifies the primary key of the time series table. The field names
must be the same as the primary key column names in the time series table.
- A field that identifies the time stamp. The field name must be the same as the time stamp column
in the TimeSeries row type.
- One or more fields to insert into the BSON column in the TimeSeries row type. All fields
that are not identified as a primary key column or the time stamp field are inserted into the BSON
For example"
{ "pkey": value, "tstamp": value, "field1": value, "field2": value, ...}
where "pkey" is the name of the primary key column, "tstamp" is the name of the timestamp column,
and "field1", "field2", etc. are whatever fields you want in the BSON column of the
Note: For BSON timeseries tables, you do not use the BSON column name from the row type.
The timeseries loader will extract the primary key field(s) and timestamp fields; all other fields
will be inserted into the BSON column of the row type.
- For non-BSON timeseries tables, the message argument of the PUBLISH packet must contain
the following fields within the JSON documents:
- One or more fields that identify the primary key of the time series table. The field names must
be the same as the primary key column names in the time series table.
- A field that identifies the time stamp. The field name must be the same as the time stamp column
in the TimeSeries row type.
- One or more fields that match the names of the other columns in the TimeSeries row type.
For example"
{ "pkey": value, "tstamp": value, "rowtypeField1": value, "rowTypeField2": value, ...}
the fields in addition to primary key and timestamp match the column name in the timeseries row
If the timeseries row type has an integer column (named "intData") and a BSON column
(named "bsonData"), the data will take the following
{ "pkey": value, "tstamp": value, "intData": 10, "bsonData":
{ "value1": 1.234, "label": "any fields can go here within the bsonData document..."}}
Example 1
The following example creates a BSON TimeSeries row type, a time series table, a time
series container, and a time series instance:
CREATE ROW TYPE ts_data_j2(
tstamp datetime year to fraction(5),
tsdata BSON);
ts timeseries(ts_data_j2)
TSContainerCreate('container_j', 'dbspace1', 'ts_data_j2', 512, 512);
INSERT INTO tstable_j2 VALUES(1, 'origin(2014-01-01 00:00:00.00000),
calendar(ts_15min), container(container_j),
regular, threshold(0), []');
For this example, the message argument has and id field for the
primary key, a tstamp field for the time stamp, and two fields for the BSON column:
{"id": "value", "tstamp": "time_stamp", "reading": number, "sensor_type": "string"}
The following sample Java code connects a client to the MQTT wire listener, loads a sensor
reading, and disconnects from the client:
String broker = "tcp://localhost:1883";
String topicName = "mydb/tstable_j2";
String clientId = "mqttclient1";
MemoryPersistence persistence = new MemoryPersistence();
MqttClient sampleClient = new MqttClient(broker, clientId, persistence);
MqttConnectOptions connOpts = new MqttConnectOptions();
String content = "[{ \"id\": \"sensor1234\" , \"tstamp\": "2016-01-01 00:00:00" ,
\"reading\": 87.5, \"sensor_type\": "TEMP"}];
MqttMessage message = new MqttMessage(conent.getBytes());
sampleClient.publish(topicName, message);