dbimport create options

The dbimport utility supports options for creating a database, specifying a dbspace for that database, defining logging options, and optionally specifying ANSI/ISO-compliance or NLS case-insensitivity (or both) as properties of the database.

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Create options

   '- -d--dbspace-'  '- -l--+-+----------+-+-'  '- -ci-'   
                            | '-buffered-' |               
                            '- -ansi-------'               

Element Purpose Key Considerations
-ansi Creates an ANSI/ISO-compliant database in which the ANSI/ISO rules for transaction logging are enabled. Otherwise, the database uses explicit transactions by default. If you omit the -ansi option, the database uses explicit transactions.

Additional Information: For more information about ANSI/ISO-compliant databases, see the HCL Informix Guide to SQL: Reference.

-ci Specifies the NLS case-insensitive property. Otherwise, the database is case-sensitive by default. Additional Information: See the HCL Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax and HCL Informix Guide to SQL: Reference descriptions of the NLS case-insensitive property.
-d dbspace Specifies the dbspace where the database is created. . If this is omitted, the default location is the root dbspace
-l Establishes unbuffered transaction logging for the imported database. If the -l flag is omitted, the database is unlogged, References: For more information, see Database-logging mode.
-l buffered Establishes buffered transaction logging for the imported database. If -l is included but buffered is omitted, the database uses unbuffered logging. References: For more information, see Database-logging mode.

If you created a table or index fragment containing partitions in Informix® Version 10.00 or a later version of the Informix database server, you must use syntax containing the partition name when importing a database that contains multiple partitions within a single dbspace. See the HCL Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax for syntax details.

Example showing dbimport create options (UNIX or Linux)

To import the stores_demo database from the /usr/informix/port/stores_demo.exp directory, issue this command:

dbimport -c stores_demo -i /usr/informix/port -l -ansi

The new database is ANSI/ISO-compliant.

The next example similarly imports the stores_demo database from the /usr/informix/port/stores_demo.exp directory. The imported database uses buffered transaction logging and explicit transactions. The -ci flag specifies case insensitivity in queries and in other operations on columns and character strings of the NCHAR and NVARCHAR data types:

dbimport -c stores_demo -i /usr/informix/port -l buffered -ci

The -ansi and -ci options for database properties are not mutually exclusive. You can specify an ANSI/ISO-compliant database that is also NLS case-insensitive, as in the following example of the dbimport command:

dbimport -c stores_demo -i /usr/informix/port -l -ansi -ci

Example showing dbimport create options (Windows)

To import the stores_demo database from the C:\USER\informix\port\stores_demo.exp directory, issue this command:

dbimport -c stores_demo -i C:\USER\informix\port -l -ansi

The imported database is ANSI/ISO-compliant and is case-sensitive for all built-in character data types.

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