Simple large objects

When the dbimport, dbexport, and DB-Access utilities process simple-large-object data, they create temporary files for that data in a temporary directory.

Before you export or import data from tables that contain simple large objects, you must have one of the following items:
  • A \tmp directory on your currently active drive
  • The DBTEMP environment variable set to point to a directory that is available for temporary storage of the simple large objects
Windows Only
Windows sets the TMP and TEMP environment variables in the command prompt sessions, by default. However, if the TMP, TEMP, and DBTEMP environment variables are not set, dbimport places the temporary files for the simple large objects in the \tmp directory.
Attention: If a table has a CLOB or BLOB in a column, you cannot use dbexport to export the table to a tape. If a table has a user-defined type in a column, using dbexport to export the table to a tape might yield unpredictable results, depending on the export function of the user-defined type. Exported CLOB sizes are stored in hex format in the unload file.

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