User-defined and complex data types
The dbschema -u option displays the definitions of any user-defined and complex data types that the database contains. The suboption i adds the type inheritance to the information that the dbschema -u option displays.
The following command displays all the user-defined and complex
data types for the stork database:
dbschema -d stork -u all
Output from dbschema that ran with the specified option -u
all might appear as the following example shows:
create row type 'informix'.person_t
name varchar(30, 10) not null,
address varchar(20, 10),
city varchar(20, 10),
state char(2),
zip integer,
bdate date
create row type 'informix'.employee_t
salary integer,
manager varchar(30, 10)
) under person_t;
The following command displays the user-defined and complex data
types, as well as their type inheritance for the person_t table
in the stork database:
dbschema -d stork -ui person_t
Output from dbschema that ran with the option -ui
person_t might appear as the following example shows:
create row type 'informix'.person_t
name varchar(30, 10) not null,
address varchar(20, 10),
city varchar(20, 10),
state char(2),
zip integer,
bdate date
create row type 'informix'.employee_t
salary integer,
manager varchar(30, 10)
) under person_t;
create row type 'informix'.sales_rep_t
rep_num integer,
region_num integer,
commission decimal(16),
home_office boolean
) under employee_t;