Granting privileges
You can generate dbschema information about the grantor of a GRANT statement.
In the dbschema output, the AS keyword indicates the grantor
of a GRANT statement. The following example output indicates that norma issued
the GRANT statement:
GRANT ALL ON 'tom'.customer TO 'claire' AS 'norma'
When the GRANT and AS keywords appear in the dbschema output,
you might need to grant privileges before you run the dbschema output
as an SQL script.
Referring to the previous example output line, the following conditions
must be true before you can run the statement as part of a script:
- User norma must have the Connect privilege to the database.
- User norma must have all privileges WITH GRANT OPTION for the table tom.customer.
For more information about the GRANT, GRANT FRAGMENT, and REVOKE FRAGMENT statements, see the HCL Informix® Guide to SQL: Syntax.