onunload destination parameters

The onunload utility supports tape or file destination options.

The following syntax diagram fragment shows onunload destination parameters

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Destination parameters

   V                    | (1)   
|----+- -l------------+-+---------------------------------------|
     +- -b--blocksize-+         
     +- -s--tapesize--+         
     '- -t--source----'         

  1. Only one occurrence of each option allowed. More than one option can occur in a single invocation.
Element Purpose Key Considerations
-b blocksize Specifies in kilobytes the block size of the tape device Requirement: The blocksize must be an integer.

Additional Information: This option overrides the default value in TAPEBLK or LTAPEBLK.

-l Directs onunload to read the values for tape device, block size, and tape size from LTAPEDEV, LTAPEBLK, and LTAPESIZE, respectively None.
-s tapesize Specifies in kilobytes the amount of data that can be stored on the tape Requirement: The tapesize must be an integer. To write to the end of the tape, specify a tape size of 0.

If you do not specify 0, then the maximum tapesize is 2 097 151 KB.

Additional Information: This option overrides the default value in TAPESIZE or LTAPESIZE.

-t source Specifies the path name of the file on disk or of the tape device where the input tape is mounted Additional Information: This option overrides the tape device specified by TAPEDEV or LTAPEDEV. The path name must be a valid path name.

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