onload create options

The onload command includes information that is used to recreate the database.

The following syntax diagram fragment shows onload create options.

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Create options

   V                                       |   
|----+- -c--oldcnstrnt--newcnstrnt-------+-+-------------------->
     +- -i--oldindex--newindex-----------+     
     +- -fd--oldbsp--newdbsp-------------+     
     '- -fi--indexname--olddbsp--newdbsp-'     


Element Purpose Key Considerations
-c oldcnstrnt newcnstrnt Directs onload to rename the specified constraint. None.
-i oldindex newindex Directs onload to rename the table index when it stores the index on disk. Additional Information: Use the -i option to rename indexes during the load to avoid conflict with existing index names.

References: Syntax must conform to the Identifier segment; see Identifier.

-fd olddbsp newdbsp Moves a data fragment from one dbspace to another. The new dbspace must exist and must not already contain another data fragment for the table.

Additional Information: This option is used with parallel data query (PDQ) and table fragmentation.

-fi indexname olddbs newdbsp Moves index fragments from one dbspace to another. The new dbspace must exist and must not already contain another index fragment for the table.

Additional Information: This option is used with PDQ and table fragmentation.

database Specifies the name of the database Requirement: The database name cannot include a database server name, such as database@dbservername.

References: Syntax must conform to the Identifier segment; see Identifier.

owner. Specifies the owner of the table Requirement: The owner name must not include invalid characters.

References: For path name syntax, refer to your operating-system documentation.

table Specifies the name of the table Requirement: The table must not exist.

References: Syntax must conform to the Identifier segment; see Identifier.

If you do not specify any create options for non-fragmented tables, the onload utility stores the database or table in the root dbspace.

For fragmented tables, onunload preserves the fragmentation expression for later use by onload. Thus an imported table is fragmented in the same way as the original table.

You can use the -c, -i, -fd, and -fi options in any order and as often as necessary as long as you use unique pairs.

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