Migrating and upgrading
You can upgrade to the 14.10 release of HCL Informix® or migrate from other database servers to Informix. Upgrading is an in-place migration method that uses your existing hardware and operating system software. Some changes to the Informix database server can affect upgrading from a previous release.
Upgrade tasks
To upgrade to Informix version 14.10:
- Read about important migration information, known and fixed customer-reported defects, and platform-specific actions that you must take to configure and use HCL Informix products: Release, documentation, and machine notes for HCL Informix
- Understand your migration path and plan your migration: Overview of Informix migration
- Prepare for migration, including reviewing changes to Informix products since the release from which you are migrating: Preparing for migration
- Do the migration tasks that are appropriate to your system: Migrating to the new version of Informix
- Finish the migration process: Completing required post-migration tasks
If you for any reason you must revert to your previous version of Informix, see Reverting from Informix Version 14.10.