IfxTimeUnit enumeration
IfxTimeUnit is an enumeration that holds the valid time units used with IfxDateTime, IfxMonthSpan, and IfxTimeSpan. IfxTimeUnit has members for each of the major time units.
IfxTimeUnit member | Unit |
Year | Years |
Month | Months |
Day | Days |
Hour | Hours |
Minute | Minutes |
Second | Full seconds |
It also has several members that represent fractions of a second at several different precisions.
IfxTimeUnit member | Precision | Example |
Fraction1 | Tenths of a second | 1962-04-16 11:35:10.1 |
Fraction2 | Hundredths of a second | 1962-04-16 11:35:10.12 |
Fraction or Fraction3 | Thousandths of a second | 1962-04-16 11:35:10.123 |
Fraction4 | Ten thousandths of a second | 1962-04-16 11:35:10.1234 |
Fraction5 | Hundred thousandths of a second | 1962-04-16 11:35:10.12345 |
The HCL Informix® time data types include properties that return the fractions of a second portion as milliseconds (thousandths of a second). They do not, however, include properties that return the fractions of a second in any of the other precisions.