The ifx_rc_create() function
The ifx_rc_create() function creates a buffer for a row or collection.
ifx_rc_create(rchandle, typespec)
The function
accepts the following arguments.
Argument | Type | Use | Description |
rchandle | HINFX_RC | Output | Handle for a row or collection buffer |
typespec | SQL_CHAR | Input | Type specification for the buffer. See the following table. |
The following table describes the syntax for the typespec argument.
Type of buffer | Syntax | Example |
Unfixed-type collection | COLLECTION | COLLECTION |
Fixed-type collection |
where type is the HCL Informix® SQL data type for the elements in the collection |
COLLECTION SET (int not null) or
Unfixed-type row | ROW | ROW |
Fixed-type row | ROW [“name”] (field_id type [, field_id
type, ...]) where:
ROW “employee_t” (name char(255), id_num int, dept int) |
The ifx_rc_create() function
allocates memory for a row or collection buffer and returns a handle
to the buffer. The following table describes how the function initializes
the buffer.
Type of buffer | Initial value for the row or collection | Initial value for the contents of the row or collection |
Fixed-type collection | Non-null | Empty |
Fixed-type row | Non-null | Each value is null |
Unfixed-type collection | Null | Empty |
Unfixed-type row | Null | Empty |
For a row, the function sets the seek position to element number one. An empty collection buffer does not have a seek position.