Map Informix error messages to SQLSTATE values
The rest of this section describes diagnostic SQLSTATE values for HCL Informix® ODBC Driver functions.
The return code for each SQLSTATE value is SQL_ERROR unless a description indicates otherwise. When a function returns SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO or SQL_ERROR, you can call SQLError to get the SQLSTATE value.
- Deprecated and new HCL Informix ODBC Driver APIs
In Version 4.10, numerous ODBC APIs have been deprecated and their functionality transferred to new APIs. - SQLAllocConnect (core level only)
This table describes the SQLSTATE and error values for SQLAllocConnect. - SQLAllocEnv (core level only)
SQLAllocEnv allocates memory for an environment handle and initializes the driver call level interface for application use. - SQLAllocStmt (core level only)
SQLAllocStmt allocates memory for a statement handle and associates the statement handle with the connection that hdbc specifies. - SQLBindCol (core level only)
SQLBindCol assigns the storage and HCL Informix ODBC Driver C data type for a column in a result set. - SQLBindParameter (level one only)
SQLBindParameter binds a buffer to a parameter marker in an SQL statement. - SQLBrowseConnect (level two only)
SQLBrowseConnect supports an iterative method of discovering and enumerating the attributes and attribute values required to connect to a data source. - SQLCancel (core level only)
SQLCancel cancels the processing on an hstmt or a query. - SQLColAttributes (core level only)
SQLColAttributes returns descriptor information for a column in a result set. - SQLColumnPrivileges (level two only)
SQLColumnPrivileges returns a list of columns and associated privileges for the specified table. The driver returns the information as a result set on the specified hstmt. - SQLColumns (level one only)
SQLColumns returns the list of column names in specified tables. The driver returns this information as a result set on the specified hstmt. - SQLConnect (core level only)
SQLConnect loads a driver and establishes a connection to a data source. - SQLDataSources (level two only)
SQLDataSources lists data-source names. - SQLDescribeCol (core level only)
SQLDescribeCol returns the result descriptor (column name, type, precision, scale, and whether it can have a NULL value) for one column in the result set. - SQLDisconnect
SQLDisconnect closes the connection associated with a specific connection handle. - SQLDriverConnect (level one only)
SQLDriverConnect is an alternative to SQLConnect. - SQLDrivers (level two only)
SQLDrivers lists driver descriptions and driver-attribute keywords. - SQLError (core level only)
SQLError returns error or status information. - SQLExecDirect (core level only)
SQLExecDirect executes a preparable statement by using the current values of the parameter-marker variables if any parameters exist in the statement. - SQLExecute (core level only)
SQLExecute executes a prepared statement by using the current values of the parameter-marker variables if any parameter markers exist in the statement. - SQLExtendedFetch (level two only)
SQLExtendedFetch extends the functionality of SQLFetch. - SQLFetch (core level only)
SQLFetch fetches a row of data from a result set. - SQLForeignKeys (level two only)
SQLForeignKeys can return a list of foreign keys. - SQLFreeConnect (core level only)
SQLFreeConnect releases a connection handle and frees all memory associated with the handle. - SQLFreeEnv (core level only)
SQLFreeEnv frees the environment handle and releases all memory associated with the environment handle. - SQLFreeStmt (core level only)
SQLFreeStmt stops the processing that is associated with a specific hstmt, closes any open cursors that are associated with the hstmt, discards pending results, and, optionally, frees all resources associated with the statement handle. - SQLGetConnectOption (level one only)
SQLGetConnectOption returns the current setting of a connection option. - SQLGetCursorName (core level only)
SQLGetCursorName returns the cursor name associated with a specified hstmt. - SQLGetData (level one only)
SQLGetData returns result data for a single unbound column in the current row. - SQLGetFunctions (level one only)
SQLGetFunctions returns information about whether the driver supports a specific function. - SQLGetInfo (level one only)
SQLGetInfo returns general information about the driver and data source associated with an hdbc. - SQLGetStmtOption (level one only)
SQLGetStmtOption returns the current setting of a statement option. - SQLGetTypeInfo (level one only)
SQLGetTypeInfo returns information about data types that the data source supports. - SQLMoreResults (level two only)
SQLMoreResults determines whether more results are available on an hstmt that contains SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statements and, if so, initializes processing for those results. - SQLNativeSql (level two only)
SQLNativeSql returns the SQL string that the driver translates. - SQLNumParams (level two only)
SQLNumParams returns the number of parameters in an SQL statement. - SQLNumResultCols (core level only)
SQLNumResultCols returns the number of columns in a result set. - SQLParamData (level one only)
SQLParamData is used with SQLPutData to supply parameter data when a statement executes.
Parent topic: Error messages