SQLPrimaryKeys (level two only)

SQLPrimaryKeys returns the column names that comprise the primary key for a table.

The driver returns the information as a result set. This function does not support returning primary keys from multiple tables in a single call.

The following table describes the SQLSTATE and error values for SQLPrimaryKeys.
SQLSTATE Error value Error message
01000 -11001 General warning
08S01 -11020 Communication-link failure
24000 -11031 Invalid cursor state
S1000 -11060 General error
S1001 -11061 Memory-allocation failure
S1008 -11065 Operation canceled
S1010 -11067 Function-sequence error
S1090 -11071 Invalid string or buffer length
S1C00 -11092 Driver not capable
S1T00 -11094 Time-out expired
S1C00 -11300 SQL_DEFAULT_PARAM not supported
08S01 -11301 A protocol error has been detected. Current connection is closed.
S1000 -11310 Create and Drop must be executed within a ServerOnly Connection
S1000 -11320 Syntax error
S1000 -11323 The statement contained an escape clause not supported by this database driver

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