The decimal and money type mapping
Microsoft Visual Basic and ADO have limitations when handling floating point numbers with a scale greater than 30 and decimals with an undefined scale. Therefore, some ADO consumers (for example, Microsoft Visual Basic 6) might encounter problems representing HCL Informix® DECIMAL or MONEY values.
ADO allows you to specify DBPROP_INIT_PROVIDERSTRING parameters as part of the connection string. Some tools (for example, Microsoft Visual Basic 6) allow you to set DBPROP_INIT_PROVIDERSTRING parameters as “Extended Properties.” The parameters are case-sensitive.
To allow these consumers to correctly handle decimal values, HCL Informix OLE DB Provider sets the advanced connection option Describe Decimal as Real/Double, so that decimal values with no scale are returned as the type DBTYPE_R8.
To avoid the problem of floating point numbers with a scale greater than 30, HCL Informix OLE DB Provider supplies the provider string option decasr8=R8, which you specify by setting the DBPROP_INIT_PROVIDERSTRING initialization property. This parameter instructs HCL Informix OLE DB Provider to map DECIMAL and MONEY values to the standard Windows DBTYPE_R8 data type. This option also resolves the decimals-with-no-scale problem, but can lead to unnecessary truncation of digits.
DECIMAL(p) = DECIMAL(MIN(2 * p, 32),(p < 16) ? p : 12 + ((32 - p) / 4))
For best results, always specify a scale for DECIMAL data types.