Configuration parameters that affect auditing

The ADTERR and ADTMODE configuration parameters affect auditing performance.

The ADTERR configuration parameter specifies whether the database server is to halt processing for a user session for which an audit record encounters an error. When ADTERR is set to halt such a session, the response time for that session appears to degrade until one of the successive attempts to write the audit record succeeds.

The ADTMODE configuration parameter enables or disables auditing according to the audit records that you specify with the onaudit utility. Records are written to files in the directory that the AUDITPATH parameter specifies. The AUDITSIZE parameter specifies the size of each audit-record file.

The effect of auditing on performance is largely determined by the auditing events that you choose to record. Depending on which users and events are audited, the impact of these configuration parameters can vary widely.

Infrequent events, such as requests to connect to a database, have low performance impact. Frequent events, such as requests to read any row, can generate a large amount of auditing activity. The more users for whom such frequent events are audited, the greater the impact on performance.

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