Filtered columns in large tables

If a column is often used to filter the rows of a large table, consider placing an index on it. The optimizer can use the index to select the wanted columns and avoid a sequential scan of the entire table.

Suppose you have a table that contains a large mailing list. If you find that a postal-code column is often used to filter a subset of rows, consider putting an index on that column.

This strategy yields a net savings of time only when the selectivity of the column is high; that is, when only a small fraction of rows holds any one indexed value. Nonsequential access through an index takes several more disk I/O operations than sequential access does, so if a filter expression on the column passes more than a fourth of the rows, the database server might as well read the table sequentially.

As a rule, indexing a filter column saves time in the following cases:
  • The column is used in filter expressions in many queries or in slow queries.
  • The column contains at least 100 unique values.
  • Most column values appear in fewer than 10 percent of the rows.

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