Monitoring PDQ threads with onstat utility commands
You can obtain information about all of the threads that are running for a decision-support query by running the onstat -u and onstat -g ath commands.
The onstat -u option lists all the threads for a session. If a session is running a decision-support query, the output lists the primary thread and any additional threads. For example, session 10 in Figure 1 has a total of five threads running.
Figure 1. onstat
-u output
address flags sessid user tty wait tout locks nreads nwrites
80eb8c ---P--D 0 informix - 0 0 0 33 19
80ef18 ---P--F 0 informix - 0 0 0 0 0
80f2a4 ---P--B 3 informix - 0 0 0 0 0
80f630 ---P--D 0 informix - 0 0 0 0 0
80fd48 ---P--- 45 chrisw ttyp3 0 0 1 573 237
810460 ------- 10 chrisw ttyp2 0 0 1 1 0
810b78 ---PR-- 42 chrisw ttyp3 0 0 1 595 243
810f04 Y------ 10 chrisw ttyp2 beacf8 0 1 1 0
811290 ---P--- 47 chrisw ttyp3 0 0 2 585 235
81161c ---PR-- 46 chrisw ttyp3 0 0 1 571 239
8119a8 Y------ 10 chrisw ttyp2 a8a944 0 1 1 0
81244c ---P--- 43 chrisw ttyp3 0 0 2 588 230
8127d8 ----R-- 10 chrisw ttyp2 0 0 1 1 0
812b64 ---P--- 10 chrisw ttyp2 0 0 1 20 0
812ef0 ---PR-- 44 chrisw ttyp3 0 0 1 587 227
15 active, 20 total, 17 maximum concurrent
The onstat -g ath output also lists these threads and includes a name column that indicates the role of the thread. Threads that a primary decision-support thread started have a name that indicates their role in the decision-support query. For example, Figure 2 lists four scan threads, started by a primary thread (sqlexec).
Figure 2. onstat
-g ath Output
tid tcb rstcb prty status vp-class name
11 994060 0 4 sleeping(Forever) 1cpu kaio
12 994394 80f2a4 2 sleeping(secs: 51) 1cpu btclean
26 99b11c 80f630 4 ready 1cpu onmode_mon
32 a9a294 812b64 2 ready 1cpu sqlexec
113 b72a7c 810b78 2 ready 1cpu sqlexec
114 b86c8c 81244c 2 cond wait(netnorm) 1cpu sqlexec
115 b98a7c 812ef0 2 cond wait(netnorm) 1cpu sqlexec
116 bb4a24 80fd48 2 cond wait(netnorm) 1cpu sqlexec
117 bc6a24 81161c 2 cond wait(netnorm) 1cpu sqlexec
118 bd8a24 811290 2 ready 1cpu sqlexec
119 beae88 810f04 2 cond wait(await_MC1) 1cpu scan_1.0
120 a8ab48 8127d8 2 ready 1cpu scan_2.0
121 a96850 810460 2 ready 1cpu scan_2.1
122 ab6f30 8119a8 2 running 1cpu scan_2.2