Display information about transaction locks
The output of the onstat -k command contains details on the locks that a transaction holds.
To find the relevant locks, match the address in the userthread column in onstat -x output to the address in the owner column of onstat -k output.
Figure 1 shows sample
output from onstat -x and the corresponding onstat
-k command. The a335898 value in the userthread column
in the onstat -x output matches the value
in the owner column of the two lines of onstat -k output.
Figure 1. onstat
-k and onstat -x output
onstat -x
address flags userthread locks beginlg curlog logposit isol retrys coord
a366018 A---- a334018 0 0 1 0x22b048 COMMIT 0
a3661f8 A---- a334638 0 0 0 0x0 COMMIT 0
a3663d8 A---- a334c58 0 0 0 0x0 COMMIT 0
a3665b8 A---- a335278 0 0 0 0x0 COMMIT 0
a366798 A---- a335898 2 0 0 0x0 COMMIT 0
a366d38 A---- a336af8 0 0 0 0x0 COMMIT 0
6 active, 128 total, 9 maximum concurrent
onstat -k
address wtlist owner lklist type tblsnum rowid key#/bsiz
a09185c 0 a335898 0 HDR+S 100002 20a 0
a0918b0 0 a335898 a09185c HDR+S 100002 204 0
2 active, 2000 total, 2048 hash buckets, 0 lock table overflows
In the example in Figure 1,
a user is selecting a row from two tables. The user holds the following
- A shared lock on one database
- A shared lock on another database