SetUnion support function

** Function name:
**      MyShapeSetUnion
** Description:
**      This is an R-Tree support function which enables the
**      server to use a fast method of building an R-Tree index.
** Special Comments:
**      The SQL function signature for this function is
**      "SetUnion (UDT, integer, pointer)".  This requires an explanation:
**      The purpose of the first argument is to provide function signature 
**      uniqueness, since you must declare a separate ObjectLength function
**      for each subtype in that can participate in the opclass.  In reality
**      the server will pass an lvarchar containing an array of UDTs.
**      The second argument is an integer containing the size of the
**      array in the first arguments
**      The third argument is declared to be an SQL pointer (i.e. void *);
**      in reality it is an instance of a 'header' subtype.  A 'header'
**      subtype is the data structure that contains just a bounding box;
**      it is the same thing as the 3rd argument of the Union support
**      function.  If your UDTs are variable length, this UDT instance
**      will be wrapped in an mi_lvarchar.  If your UDTs are fixed length
**      you will get a pointer to the structure itself.  In both cases
**      the server allocates memory for the structure for you.
** Parameters:
**      mi_lvarchar *objects     Array of UDTs, wrapped in an mi_lvarchar
**      mi_integer  *array_size  Size of array.
**      void        *union       Pointer to resultant union shape.
**      MI_FPARAM   *fp          UDR function parameter & state info.
** Return value:
**      mi_integer               MI_OK if success, MI_ERROR if problems.

UDREXPORT mi_integer
MyShapeSetUnion (mi_lvarchar *objects,
                 mi_integer   array_size,
                 mi_lvarchar *union_shape,
                 MI_FPARAM   *fp)
    mi_lvarchar **shape_array = (mi_lvarchar **) mi_get_vardata (objects);
    mi_integer    i;

    SHAPE_TRACE_ENTER (MyShapeSetUnion);

    MyShapeUnion (shape_array[0], shape_array[0], union_shape, fp);

    for (i = 1; i < array_size; i++)
        MyShapeUnion (shape_array[i], union_shape, union_shape, fp);

    SHAPE_TRACE_EXIT (MyShapeSetUnion);

    return MI_OK;

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