Client APIs and authentication support modules

Only specific HCL Informix® client APIs support PAM and LDAP Authentication Support modules. To use the other APIs when an authentication module is enabled on HCL Informix, you can connect to a DBSERVERALIASES.

The following HCL Informix client APIs support PAM and LDAP Authentication Support modules:

The other APIs do not support PAM and LDAP Authentication Support modules. To use them against a version of HCL Informix that has an enabled authentication module, connect to a DBSERVERALIASES that does not have the PAM parameters in the sqlhosts file.

The following client APIs, tools, and applications do not support PAM or LDAP Authentication Support modules:

For more information about ESQL/C, ODBC, and JDBC, see the HCL Informix Enterprise Replication Guide, the IBM Informix ODBC Driver Programmer's Manual, and the HCL Informix JDBC Driver Programmer's Guide.

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