Security label component type: ARRAY
Security label component type ARRAY represents a ranked group of elements.
The elements in an ARRAY component represent an ordered scale of relative values; the first element listed has the highest value and the last has the lowest.
The maximum number of elements in an ARRAY type of security label
component is 64. An ARRAY component of a security label has the value
of only one of its elements when it is compared after the IDSLBACRULES.
Example: If the fictional company JK Enterprises
defines security label component level as a ranking
of the company's four different privacy levels, as in the following
ARRAY [ 'Top Secret', 'Secret', 'Confidential', 'Unclassified' ];
Then Figure 1 illustrates the order of the elements:Figure 1. Relationship of elements in
an ARRAY example
When an ARRAY component in the user label is compared to an ARRAY
component of a data label:
- For Read Access: The IDSLBACREADARRAY rule lets the user component dominate when its value is greater than or equal to the value of the component in the data security label. The user can read data only at or below the level of the value in the array component of the user label.
- For Write Access: The IDSLBACWRITEARRAY rule lets the user component dominate when its value is equal to the value of the component in the data label. The user can write data only at the level of the value in the array component of the user label.