Renaming security objects
Use the RENAME SECURITY statement to rename a security policy, a security label, or a security label component.
You must hold the DBSECADM role to rename a security object.
The three valid clauses for the RENAME SECURITY statement
are as follows:
The RENAME SECURITY statement replaces the old_name with
the specified new_name in the table of the system
catalog in which the renamed security object is registered:
- sysecpolicies.secpolicyname for security policies
- sysseclabels.seclabelname for security labels
- sysseclabelcomponents.compname for security label components.
This statement does not, however, change the numeric value of the sysecpolicies.secpolicyid, sysseclabels.seclabelid, or sysseclabelcomponents.compid of the renamed security object.