Users and group membership for running utilities
Most HCL Informix® utilities run as secure users and belong to a secure group.
The following database server utilities are SUID root and
SGID informix:
- onaudit
- onbar_d
- ondblog
- onedcu
- oninit
- onmode
- onshowaudit
- onsmsync
- onsnmp
- onsrvapd
- ontape
- snmpdm
The following database server utilities are SGID informix:
- oncheck
- onedpdu
- onload
- onlog
- onparams
- onpload
- onspaces
- onstat
- onunload
- xtree
UNIX and Linux only: The previous utilities do not run if the installation path is not secure. This is a security precaution to help prevent tampering with your Informix installation.
Restriction: You cannot use the following utilities on HDR secondary
servers, remote stand-alone (RS) secondary servers, or shared disk
(SD) secondary servers:
- archecker
- dbimport
- dbexport
- dbload
- ondblog
- onload
- onparams
- onperf
- onshowaudit
- onsnmp
- onspaces
- onunload