
When the status of the database server changes from its current status to any status that is less available, OnSNMP sends a message to the SNMP Network Managers. For example, if a dbspace goes down, the database server status changes from full to limited availability. The message that OnSNMP sends is rdbmsStateChange, which is an unsolicited trap. When an SNMP Network Manager notifies you that it received an rdbmsStateChange trap, you can query the database server that generated the trap to determine the cause and extent of the problem.

For example, the logical logs for a database server might become full and cause the database server to become unavailable. OnSNMP can notice that the database server is unavailable and send an rdbmsStateChange trap to an SNMP Network Manager. The SNMP Network Manager can make an icon flash to notify you of the problem. You can then send data requests to determine the cause of the failure.

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