Configure OnSNMP
The HCL Informix® installation procedure creates a registry key, OnSnmpSubagent, under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Informix.
following table describes the OnSnmpSubagent arguments that
you can change.
Argument | Value | Description |
Environment\LINGER_TIME | lingermnts | Number of minutes that the master agent waits after a database server goes down before the master agent kills the corresponding OnSNMP. If lingermnts is 0, the master agent waits indefinitely. |
Environment\LOGDIR | pathname | Complete path of the OnSNMP error-log file, including file name |
Environment\REFRESH_TIME | pollsecs | Frequency, in seconds, with which OnSNMP polls the database server |
Environment\LOGLEVEL | loglevel | Logging level to which OnSNMP logs debugging information. The default value is 3. The onsrvapd daemon passes this value to OnSNMP. |
The following table describes the OnSnmpSubagent arguments
that you not change.
Argument | Value | Description |
Pathname | pathname | Complete path of infxsnmp.dll, including file name |
MIBS\APPLMIB | apploid | OID for the Application MIB |
MIBS\ONMIB | onoid | OID for the Online MIB |
MIBS\RDBMSMIB | rdbmsoid | OID for the RDBMS MIB |
The HCL Informix installation procedure also creates an argument, INFXSNMP, under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SNMP\Parameters\ExtensionAgents. This new argument specifies the location of the OnSnmpSubagent registry key, including the name of the key.
To change the OnSNMP configuration, change the values for these arguments.