
The following list summarizes this table:
Information about each session
applIndex, onSessionIndex
Scope of a row:
One session
The table has the following MIB objects.
Table 1. MIB objects for onSessionTable
MIB Object Description
applIndex See applTable.
onSessionIndex Unique integer index for the session
onSessionUserName Name of the user, in the form name@host(tty)
onSessionUserProgramVersion Version of the database server
onSessionUserProcessId Process ID for the session
onSessionUserTime Length of time that the user has been connected to the database server, in hundredths of seconds
onSessionState State of the session:
  • idle (1)
  • active (2)
  • waitingOnMutex (3)
  • waitingOnCondition (4)
  • waitingOnLock (5)
  • waitingOnBuffer (6)
  • waitingOnCheckPointing (7)
  • waitingOnLogicalLogWrite (8)
  • waitingOnTransaction (9)
onSessionDatabase Connected database
onSessionCurrentMemory Memory usage, in bytes
onSessionThreads Number of active threads
onSessionCurrentStack Average size of the stack for all threads
onSessionHighwaterStack Maximum amount of memory that any thread has used so far
onSessionLockRequests Number of lock requests
onSessionLocksHeld Number of locks held
onSessionLockWaits Number of lock waits
onSessionLockTimeouts Number of timeouts for locks
onSessionLogRecords Number of log records
onSessionIsamReads Number of reads from database tables
onSessionIsamWrites Number of writes to database tables
onSessionPageReads Number of page reads
onSessionPageWrites Number of page writes
onSessionLongTxs Number of long transactions
onSessionLogSpace Logical-log space used, in bytes
onSessionHighwaterLogSpace Maximum logical-log space that this session has ever used
onSessionSqlStatement Latest SQL statement, truncated to 250 characters if necessary
onSessionSqlIsolation SQL isolation level:
  • noTransactions (1)
  • dirtyReads (2)
  • readCommitted (3)
  • cursorRecordLocked (4)
  • repeatableRead (5)
onSessionSqlLockWaitMode Action to take if the isolation level requires a wait:
  • -1 = Wait forever.
  • 0 = Do not wait.
  • >0 = Wait for specified number of seconds.
onSessionSqlEstimatedCost Estimated cost of the SQL statement according to SQLEXPLAIN
onSessionSqlEstimatedRows Estimated number of rows that the SQL statement selects according to SET EXPLAIN
onSessionSqlError Error number for the last SQL statement
onSessionSqlIsamError ISAM error number for the last SQL statement
onSessionTransactionStatus Status of the transaction:
  • none (1)
  • committing (2)
  • rollingBack (3)
  • rollingHeuristically (4)
  • waiting (5)
onSessionTransactionBeginLog Unique ID of the logical-log file in which the BEGIN WORK record was logged If no transaction exists, this value is noSuchInstance (SNMPv2) or noSuchName (SNMPv1).
onSessionTransactionLastLog Unique ID of the logical-log file in which the last record was logged If no transaction exists, this value is noSuchInstance (SNMPv2) or noSuchName (SNMPv1).
onSessionOriginatingSessionId Local session ID of the global session on the server for which this local session runs

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