The ST_IsClosed() function
The ST_IsClosed() function takes an ST_LineString or ST_MultiLineString and returns t (TRUE) if it is closed; otherwise, it returns f (FALSE).
Properties of geometries are described in Properties of spatial data types.
ST_IsClosed(ln1 ST_LineString)
ST_IsClosed(mln1 ST_MultiLineString)
Return type
The closed_linestring table
is created with a single ST_LineString column:
CREATE TABLE closed_linestring (ln1 ST_LineString);
following INSERT statements insert two records into the closed_linestring table.
The first record is not a closed linestring, while the second is:
INSERT INTO closed_linestring VALUES(
ST_LineFromText('linestring (10.02 20.01,10.32 23.98,11.92 25.64)', 1000)
INSERT INTO closed_linestring VALUES(
ST_LineFromText('linestring (10.02 20.01,11.92 35.64,25.02 34.15,
19.15 33.94,10.02 20.01)',1000)
The query returns the results of the ST_IsClosed() function.
The first row returns a 0 because the linestring
is not closed, while the second row returns a 1 because
the linestring is closed.
SELECT ST_IsClosed(ln1) Is_it_closed
FROM closed_linestring;
The closed_mlinestring table
is created with a single ST_MultiLineString column:
CREATE TABLE closed_mlinestring (mln1 ST_MultiLineString);
following INSERT statements insert an ST_MultiLineString record that
is not closed and another that is:
INSERT INTO closed_mlinestring VALUES(
ST_MLineFromText('multilinestring ((10.02 20.01,10.32 23.98,
11.92 25.64),(9.55 23.75,15.36 30.11))',1000)
INSERT INTO closed_mlinestring VALUES(
ST_MLineFromText('multilinestring ((10.02 20.01,11.92 35.64,
25.02 34.15,19.15 33.94,10.02 20.01),(51.71 21.73,73.36 27.04,
71.52 32.87,52.43 31.90,51.71 21.73))',1000)
The query lists the results of the ST_IsClosed() function.
The first row returns 0 because the multilinestring
is not closed. The second row returns 1 because the
multilinestring stored in the mln1 column is closed. A multilinestring
is closed if all of its linestring elements are closed:
SELECT ST_IsClosed(mln1) Is_it_closed
FROM closed_mlinestring;