The ST_PolyFromGML() function
The ST_PolyFromGML() function takes a GML2 or GML3 string representation of an ST_Polygon and an optional spatial reference ID and returns a polygon object.
ST_PolyFromGML(gmlstring lvarchar)
ST_PolyFromGML(gmlstring lvarchar, SRID integer)
Return type
The test_poly table is created
with the INTEGER column id and the ST_Polygon column geom:
CREATE TABLE test_poly(id INTEGER, geom ST_Polygon);
INSERT INTO test_poly VALUES(1,ST_PolyFromGML('<gml:Polygon
srsName="EPSG:4326" srsDimension="2">
<gml:exterior><gml:LinearRing><gml:posList dimension="2">
-84.36 32.49 -82.66 32.69 -82.15 32.46 -83.09 33.08 -83.37
33.19 -84.36 32.49</gml:posList></gml:LinearRing>
</gml:exterior>< /gml:Polygon>',4));
This record specifies a spatial reference id of 4 (WGS84) and represents a two-dimensional six-sided polygon.
SELECT * FROM test_poly;
id 1
geom 4 POLYGON ((-84.3600000805 32.4900000536, -82.6599999799
32.6899999866, -82.1500000335 32.4600000469,
-83.0900000201 33.0800000738, -83.3700000268
33.1899999866, -84.3600000805 32.4900000536))