Map projections
HCL Informix® spatial data types support many map projections.
The following table lists a representative sample of the
map projections supported by the HCL Informix spatial
data types. For a complete list of supported map projections, see
the file INFORMIXDIR/extend/spatial.version/include/pedef.h.
Factory ID | Description | OGC well-known text string |
43001 | Plate Carree | PROJECTION["Plate_Carree"] |
43002 | Equidistant Cylindrical | PROJECTION["Equidistant_Cylindrical"] |
43003 | Miller Cylindrical | PROJECTION["Miller_Cylindrical"] |
43004 | Mercator | PROJECTION["Mercator"] |
43005 | Gauss-Kruger | PROJECTION["Gauss_Kruger"] |
43006 | Transverse Mercator | PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"] |
43007 | Albers | PROJECTION["Albers"] |
43008 | Sinusoidal | PROJECTION["Sinusoidal"] |
43009 | Mollweide | PROJECTION["Mollweide"] |
43010 | Eckert VI | PROJECTION["Eckert_VI"] |
43011 | Eckert V | PROJECTION["Eckert_V"] |
43012 | Eckert IV | PROJECTION["Eckert_IV"] |
43013 | Eckert III | PROJECTION["Eckert_III"] |
43014 | Eckert II | PROJECTION["Eckert_II"] |
43015 | Eckert I | PROJECTION["Eckert_I"] |
43016 | Gall Stereographic | PROJECTION["Gall_Stereographic"] |
43017 | Behrmann | PROJECTION["Behrmann"] |
43018 | Winkel I | PROJECTION["Winkel_I"] |
43019 | Winkel II | PROJECTION["Winkel_II"] |
43020 | Lambert Conformal Conic | PROJECTION["Lambert_Conformal_Conic"] |
43021 | Polyconic | PROJECTION["Polyconic"] |
43022 | Quartic Authalic | PROJECTION["Quartic_Authalic"] |
43023 | Loximuthal | PROJECTION["Loximuthal"] |
43024 | Bonne | PROJECTION["Bonne"] |
43025 | Hotine 2 Pt Natural Origin | PROJECTION["Hotine_Oblique_Mercator_Two_ Point_Natural_Origin"] |
43026 | Stereographic | PROJECTION["Stereographic"] |
43027 | Equidistant Conic | PROJECTION["Equidistant_Conic"] |
43028 | Cassini | PROJECTION["Cassini"] |
43029 | Van der Grinten I | PROJECTION["Van_der_Grinten_I"] |
43030 | Robinson | PROJECTION["Robinson"] |
43031 | Two-Point Equidistant | PROJECTION["Two_Point_Equidistant"] |
43032 | Azimuthal Equidistant | PROJECTION["Azimuthal_Equidistant"] |
43033 | Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area | PROJECTION["Lambert_Azimuthal_Equal_Area"] |
43034 | Cylindrical Equal Area | PROJECTION["Cylindrical_Equal_Area"] |
43035 | Hotine 2 Point Center | PROJECTION["Hotine_Oblique_Mercator_Two_ Point_Center"] |
43036 | Hotine Azimuth Natural Origin | PROJECTION["Hotine_Oblique_Mercator_Azimuth _Natural_Origin"] |
43037 | Hotine Azimuth Center | PROJECTION["Hotine_Oblique_Mercator_Azimuth _Center"] |
43038 | Double Stereographic | PROJECTION["Double_Stereographic"] |
43039 | Krovak Oblique Lambert | PROJECTION["Krovak"] |
43040 | New Zealand Map Grid | PROJECTION["New_Zealand_Map_Grid"] |
43041 | Orthographic | PROJECTION["Orthographic"] |
43042 | Winkel Tripel | PROJECTION["Winkel_Tripel"] |
43043 | Aitoff | PROJECTION["Aitoff"] |
43044 | Hammer Aitoff | PROJECTION["Hammer_Aitoff"] |
43045 | Flat Polar Quartic | PROJECTION["Flat_Polar_Quartic"] |
43046 | Craster Parabolic | PROJECTION["Craster_Parabolic"] |
43047 | Gnomonic | PROJECTION["Gnomonic"] |
43048 | Bartholomew Times | PROJECTION["Times"] |
43049 | Vertical Near-Side Perspective | PROJECTION["Vertical_Near_Side_Perspective"] |