Error messages and their explanations
- USE01
Unable to establish a connection in %FUNCTION%. - 7USE02
Function %FUNCTION% is unable to allocate memory. - USE03
Invalid geometry in %FUNCTION%. - USE04
Function %FUNCTION% not applicable to type %TYPE%. - USE05
This function is not yet implemented. - USE06
Unknown ESRI shape library error (%ERRCODE%) in %FUNCTION%. - USE07
Internal SAPI error. %SAPIFUNC% returned %RETVAL%. Failure in %FUNCNAME%. - USE08
Nearest-neighbor queries require an index scan. - USE09
Unknown or unsupported shape file type (%TYPE%) found in %FUNCTION%. - USE10
Unknown or unsupported OpenGIS WKB type (%TYPE%) found in %FUNCTION%. - USE11
Invalid SRID %SRID% or NULL in %FUNCTION%. - USE12
Unknown or unsupported geometry type (%TYPE%) found in %FUNCTION%. - USE13
Spatial DataBlade not installed correctly: the spatial_references table does not exist. - USE14
Unknown spatial reference identifier %SRID%. - USE15
Invalid coordinate reference system object in function %FUNCTION%. - USE16
Unable to get the geometry data pointer from the server in %FUNCTION%. - USE17
Geometry verification failed. - USE18
Buffer operation failed. - USE19
Coordinates out of bounds in %FUNCTION%. - USE20
Invalid parameter in function %FUNCTION%. - USE21
Geometry integrity error in function %FUNCTION%. - USE22
Too many points in feature. - USE23
Spatial reference conflict, %SRID1% vs %SRID2%. - USE24
Incompatible geometries in function %FUNCTION%. - USE25
Subscript %SUBSCRIPT% out of range in function %FUNCTION%. - USE26
Subtype mismatch: received subtype=%TYPE1%, expected subtype=%TYPE2%. - USE27
Unknown or unsupported geometry data structure version (%VERSION%) found in %FUNCTION%. - USE28
Invalid text in %FUNCTION%. - USE29
Unexpected system error in %FUNCTION%. - USE30
Overlapping polygon rings in %FUNCTION%. - USE31
Too few points for geometry type in %FUNCTION%. - USE32
Polygon does not close in %FUNCTION%. - USE33
Interior ring not enclosed by exterior ring in %FUNCTION%. - USE34
Polygon has no area in %FUNCTION%. - USE35
Polygon ring contains a spike in %FUNCTION%. - USE36
Multipolygon exterior rings overlap in %FUNCTION%. - USE37
The geometry boundary is self-intersecting in %FUNCTION%. - USE38
The geometry has too many parts in %FUNCTION%. - USE39
Mismatched text string parentheses in %FUNCTION%. - USE40
Unknown or unsupported ESRI entity type (%TYPE%) found in %FUNCTION%. - USE41
The projection string for your SRID is invalid in %FUNCTION%. - USE42
Nearest-neighbor queries are not supported by the current version of the server. - USE43
%PARAM1% value must be less than %PARAM2% value. - USE44
Unknown OGIS WKB byte-order byte encountered in %FUNCTION%. - USE45
OGIS WKB geometry collection type is not supported. - USE46
Incompatible coordinate reference systems in function %FUNCTION%. - USE47
Cannot create SE_Metadata lohandle file %NAME%. Check directory permissions. - USE48
SE_Metadata lohandle file %FILE% not found, unreadable, or corrupt. Execute function SE_MetadataInit to reinitialize. - USE49
SE_MetadataTable is a read only table. - USE50
Vertex not found in %FUNCTION%. - USE51
SE_Metadata smart blob is corrupt or unreadable. - USE52
SE_Metadata memory cache is locked. - USE53
Spatial datablade assert failure. File = %FILE%, line = %LINE%. - USE54
You must create a default sbspace before you can register the Spatial DataBlade. - -674
Routine (%FUNCTION%) cannot be resolved.
Parent topic: Error messages