The syscolauth system
catalog table describes each
set of discretionary access privileges granted on a column. It contains
one row for each set of column-level privileges that are currently
granted to a user, to a role, or to the PUBLIC group on a column in
the database. The syscolauth table has the following columns.
Column | Type | Explanation |
grantor | VARCHAR(32) | Authorization identifier of the grantor |
grantee | VARCHAR(32) | Authorization identifier of the grantee |
tabid | INTEGER | Code uniquely identifying the table |
colno | SMALLINT | Column number within the table |
colauth | CHAR(3) | 3-byte pattern specifying column privileges: s or S = Select, u or U = Update, r or R = References |
If the colauth privilege code is uppercase (for example, S for Select), a user who has this privilege can also grant it to others. If the colauth privilege code is lowercase (for example, s for Select), the user who has this privilege cannot grant it to others. A hyphen ( - ) indicates the absence of the privilege corresponding to that position within the colauth pattern.
A composite index on the tabid, grantor, grantee, and colno columns allows only unique values. A composite index on the tabid and grantee columns allows duplicate values.