The sysprocedures system catalog table lists the characteristics for each function and procedure that is registered in the database. It contains one row for each routine.
Each function in sysprocedures has a unique value, procid, called a routine identifier. Throughout the system catalog, a function is identified by its routine identifier, not by its name.
Column | Type | Explanation |
procname | VARCHAR(128) | Name of routine |
owner | VARCHAR(32) | Name of owner |
procid | SERIAL | Unique identifying code for the routine |
mode | CHAR(1) | Mode type:
retsize | INTEGER | Compiled size (in bytes) of returned values |
symsize | INTEGER | Compiled size (in bytes) of symbol table |
datasize | INTEGER | Compiled size (in bytes) of constant data |
codesize | INTEGER | Compiled size (in bytes) of routine code |
numargs | INTEGER | Number of arguments to routine |
isproc | CHAR(1) | Specifies if the routine is a procedure or a function:
specificname | VARCHAR(128) | Specific name for the routine |
externalname | VARCHAR(255) | Location of the external routine. This item is language-specific in content and format. |
paramstyle | CHAR(1) | Parameter style: I = HCL Informix® |
langid | INTEGER | Language code (in sysroutinelangs table) |
paramtypes | RTNPARAMTYPES | Information describing the parameters of the routine |
variant | BOOLEAN | Whether the routine is VARIANT or not:
client | BOOLEAN | Reserved for future use |
handlesnulls | BOOLEAN | NULL handling indicator:
percallcost | INTEGER | Amount of CPU per call Integer cost to execute UDR: cost/call - 0 -(2^31-1) |
commutator | VARCHAR(128) | Name of commutator function |
negator | VARCHAR(128) | Name of the negator function |
selfunc | VARCHAR(128) | Name of function to estimate selectivity of the UDR |
internal | BOOLEAN | Specifies if the routine can be called from SQL:
class | CHAR(18) | CPU class by which the routine should be executed |
stack | INTEGER | Stack size in bytes required per invocation |
parallelizable | BOOLEAN | Parallelization indicator for UDR:
costfunc | VARCHAR(128) | Name of the cost function for the UDR |
selconst | SMALLFLOAT | Selectivity constant for UDR |
procflags | INTEGER | For internal use only |
collation | CHAR(32) | Collating order at the time when the routine was created |
In the mode column, the R mode is a special case of the O mode. A routine is in restricted (R) mode if it was created with a specified owner who is different from the routine creator. If routine statements involving a remote database are executed, the database server uses the access privileges of the user who executes the routine instead of the privileges of the routine owner. In all other scenarios, R-mode routines behave the same as O-mode routines.
- You cannot use the ALTER FUNCTION, ALTER PROCEDURE, or ALTER ROUTINE statements to modify protected routines.
- You cannot use the DROP FUNCTION, DROP PROCEDURE, or DROP ROUTINE statements to unregister protected routines.
- You cannot use the dbschema utility to display protected routines.
A unique index is defined on the procid column. A composite index on the procname, isproc, numargs, and owner columns allows duplicate values, as does a composite index on the specificname and owner columns.